…and the Black Swans sang…

Two words of explanation which may help the reader understand a little better what is being said in this poem and why it is being said, one at the beginning and one at the end (I feel it needed doing this way)…

This poem was written as part of my entrance to the 2018  13th Glastonbury Bardic Trials and as such is written with Glastonbury forming a strong central theme…as it turned out I did not enter the trials…

last black swan

…and the Black Swans sang…


Listen if you would wish to hear,

the tale my family have carried

through the uncountable years…



and long have my forebears been

prophets and seers of futures unseen…



shrink away in fear and alarm…

lest we bring ‘unluck’…

or even some harm…



others just say that ‘we’ are all damned

and give us a name…

‘They’… call us shaman…


But…the tale that here, tonight, I will tell…

…shall show you the truth…if you listen well…


Long ages before, your kind’s

oldest memories stretch back

before Bran the blessed,

left mark on the track…

…this was a world…

where ALL swans were black…

and the Black Swans Sang…

with silken voices…

On a lake of sweet waters…

where they came to breed…

to raise sons and daughters,

as was their need…


…and they sang the song of the Universe…


…and the gods in the heavens looked down

To view the source of the wondrous, loving, sound…


…and both Sun and Moon agreed to send,

One child from each, the singing swans to tend,

on an island, water skirted all around

to care for all who made such wondrous sound.


In the midst of those sweet waters

In the midst of the ulullating air…

They sent a son and daughter

for the love of the song

of the faithful Black Swans.


And so…as long ages passed

the two offspring shared the task

she by night…he by day

Tended the singers in their own special way

and in turn…in their fleeting meetings

at dawn and at dusk…

softly spoke this pair these words in turn…


“Each singer who had need I tended

each broken feather…I have mended

that they may sing with hearts afree

and delight the ones sent you and me…”


…and as long ages slowly slipped away

surrounded by the heavenly song

like the swans they fell in love

and pledged their troth to the gods above


..but as we know in this world today

Sun and Moon seldom make their way

to fly across the vaulted sky as one…


The lovers both, daughter and son,

were bound in their nature…

like the Moon and the Sun

and had to wait until such day did come

when the silver Moon lay with the golden Sun…

before they… in darkest day,


and in each other’s arms could lay…


Whence came that time,

the swans took flight

and as the Moon turned

day to night…

and the lovers met in their delight

an hundred thousand gyring swans

blacked the skies…so to prolong

the dark that clothed the land…

for their carers loving hands.

and they sang their finest lullaby

to Sun and Moon there in the sky

that they might tarry in their embrace

and grant the lovers a time of grace…


Had they not flown to sing…

this tale might have a different ring…

Had they…

as on every day before

been ringed around the islands shore

no intruders could have come to land

and caught the lovers hand in hand…


A leering laugh, was all the pair did hear

above the swansong ringing clear

before the fatal spear point’s strike

took the husband from the wife…



hidden by the winging singers…

she watched as blood dripped from his fingers

where he fell and soon would lifeless lay…

as she was rudely dragged away

crying salt tears from eyes that had smiled

upon him only moments gone…


…and STILL the swans kept up their song…


as in his dying sight she was defiled

and his heart pumped hard,

his blood was wild…

and she lay broken…

…with crystal tears

pouring forth for all the years

and love that they had shared…


When the Black Swans landed in their watery glide…

both lay dying side by side

and in grief the swans together cried

a shrill sharp keening

so piercing that…

the intruders died!…


As one voice the swans then called

upon the Sun and Moon to hold

together in the skies…


…and thus stop time…


to save the son and daughter…


the nature of the heavenly rules

mocks both men and gods as fools

mortal man and woman die…

though god and goddess both may cry…


An hundred thousand swans and more

circled round the islands shore

singing, grieving songs of woe

and their salt tears made the waters grow…


Insane with grief, the Sun and Moon

between them rent the veil of time

and they hid their son and daughter

beneath the grass on which they lay

where they abide unto this day

hidden from time and earthly death

one bleeds, one cries though…

with every breath…


…and the Black Swans sang…

until their voices burst…

their tears turned the lake

to a salt marsh cursed

that bleached their feathers white…


Now after all the ages gone

NO white swan can sing a song

but listen close and you may hear…

their crying sighs…

as they wing across the skies

weep, weep, weep…the constant wing beats sound

that we can hear from on the ground…

and if we get too close to THEIR son’s and daughter’s…

if we invade the swan held waters…

they warn us off…

with the only sound that they have left…





I hope that you have listened well

for plain upon this Holy Isle

is proof of this, my tale…

I hope that you will mark it well…


Red runs a spring with the Sun’s son’s blood

and white runs another for the goddess’s daughter’s

floods of crystal tears…


If you would look for a stone from the Tor

they are comprised of seashells and little more

which lived in the salten sea lake

that the Black Swans cried

over the ages in which

their feathers turned white…

and each piece of Torstone can be seen in the light

to sparkle with crystals, like the stars of the night…



may call me a fool,

for my story just told…

you may say I’m afflicted with madness…being old…

you may say I’m no shaman…

and with that

…I might agree…

but I know the truth…


Though my forbears are gone…

by the grace of the Moon and the Sun

who gave me this time

in this human form

so you might hear

the Black Swans last song…


There are 25,216 feathers on a swan…

and the bargain struck

with mother Moon and father Sun

for this, my present human form…

was a feather plucked each human generation from me…

that I failed to make you humans see…

the error of the way you live

making all other life forms die

while you live the greedy lie

YOU can exist alone

without nature…

and when the last feather is plucked from me

I will die…

and the world is doomed…


To save yourselves from this pitiful fate

there is one hope…it is still not too late…

I must teach you all to sing

as my ‘people’ the Black Swans…

made their voices ring…

to fill the air…

with the sound…

of LOVE…


…and as I pluck now my LAST feather

and this ‘our’ last generation is spent together…

I will beg you all please sing…


will you sing…

with me…

it is but a simple song…

and starts and ends with the eternal hum…




So will you then join

and sing after me…

four simple sounds to set us free

will you try and sing along

will YOU join and be…

…Black Swans…


Answer now…

YES or NO…


If it’s YES we sing aloud…

as one voice, this teeming crowd…

if it’s NO I’ll walk away…


mark my shaman words…

this YOUR world…


if the Black Swans songs unheard…



An hundred times…

let your voices fall and rise…

mix the cadence

share the rhyme



..and washes the Universe free from hate….




Copyright Neil Mc Neil …


Second explanatory word…


Om Mani Padme Hung is chosen here for its meaning and intent, any words wishing peace and love through understanding could be used, indeed the reason the Black Swans song pleased the ‘gods’ so much was the variety of ways such sentiments of kindess and love can be raised and blended and melded together by myriad voices to make a complete and whole vibration of love. There is no barrier to other languages, say it the way you say it where you come from but let it ONLY ‘come from the heart’, let it express ONLY love…and do not stop saying it ..do not stop putting that LOVING intention into the Universe…make this Universe thrummm with that vibration…

Om Mani Padme Hung’s meaning…

Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche says[edit]

Carved stone tablets, each with the inscription “Om Mani Padme Hum” along the paths of Zangskar

“The mantra Om Mani Pädme Hum is easy to say yet quite powerful, because it contains the essence of the entire teaching. When you say the first syllable Om it is blessed to help you achieve perfection in the practice of generosity, Ma helps perfect the practice of pure ethics, and Ni helps achieve perfection in the practice of tolerance and patience. Pä, the fourth syllable, helps to achieve perfection of perseverance, Me helps achieve perfection in the practice of concentration, and the final sixth syllable Hum helps achieve perfection in the practice of wisdom.
“So in this way recitation of the mantra helps achieve perfection in the six practices from generosity to wisdom. The path of these six perfections is the path walked by all the Buddhas of the three times. What could then be more meaningful than to say the mantra and accomplish the six perfections?”
Dilgo Khyentse RinpocheHeart Treasure of the Enlightened Ones[13]


Thank you for reading this far…

The Frankenstein Paradigm

I have been thinking about the use of the word SHEEPLE to designate the ‘unwoken’ regulating humanity to the ‘herd’ instinct paradigm…
Now whilst I will agree that it is a reasonably close analogy it has always left me feeling that it is both a trifle insulting (sheep had no say in this and might well have objected if they did) and a little too narrow in its possible terms of focus…ie you are EITHER asleep and a sheep or awake and not a sheep….hmmmm….and while I was thinking about something else entirely an idea came to me.

These are ‘humans’ we are describing and any analogy, I feel,  is better kept within available descriptive paradigms which are of the ‘human’ condition…

I would like to forward the idea that a good analogy would be framed to take account of the degree of shadings which are readily apparent in the ‘woken’ of this ‘human’ society of ours.

Enter the new paradigm (bear with me eh xx)
The Frankenstein Paradigm

Let us assume that:
The Elite are the Doctor Frankensteins… the 1%,
The Frankenstein Monster itself is governments, corporations, etc.
Igor would equate to the media, police, or other state actors

then there are ‘WE’ the people…
My paradigm offers 4 classifications, more would cloud the issue too much I think, so..

Remember the story, the world was made up of, by majority, individuals who were too far removed from the scene of action to have any idea anything at all was happening anywhere else to where they happen to be…we can call them the BU’s which is short for Blissfully Unawares….

Now we come to the ‘Awake,’ portrayed in the story by the Crowd of Villagers, of whom there are three (3) types:

The Main Mob, which are made up of those who both drifted and are dragged along by their proximity (to the remaining other two types) at the right time and place for the lighting of TORCHES …..we can refer to them as MM’s, these are fairly directionless and unfocused and can be easily distracted if they lag too far behind, even wandering off to do something completely different like  buy a bag of chips (who knows with them)…and in the worst case scenario they could simply slide back to BU status…

Then we have the TORCH BEARERS…yeah, you’re catching on here…the TB’s, these are the ones who are awake and in an educational role, they research and put out information at all levels, they range from the Assange Wikileaks and on and on through all who shed light in dark places to see what scuttles for the shadows,  these are the light shiners exposing the monster for what it is, so that the last type of ‘human’ in this story can coalesce and step in..

The PITCH FORK and CUDGEL  KEEPER’s,  or for short the T’PHACKers, almost always these people have extensive familiarity with the work of the TB’s and most started out as TB’s themselves, but their sheer anger has driven them to take the next step of actually attempting to bring justice to the world by ridding it of the monster they see by the light shone by the TB’s…these are the front line activists who organise the protests ,rallies, ‘actions’ etc.  They bring the light into the real world , the world the governments and corporations etc put a pretty face on for, the world that the BU’s inhabit without really focussing on…

The T’PHAKers  can also be identified by their habit, while on demos and protests and the like, of adding their name to causes for added impetus and weight.. cries of …T’PHACK with Austerity… and  …Fracking get T’PHAK… ring out to hold those responsible ( Dr F and FM’s) in fear and dread that the Igor’s might not this time stop the T’PHACKers getting through to them. The most mobile and committed to change by almost any means, they T’PHACKers are a force to be reckoned with…
The story mechanics should be relatively plain to see by now I think…

So what possible outcomes are there available in ANY given situation….

Sit 1)
Dr F, FM and Igor (no I’m not going to reduce his name to an I…everything gets to feeling far to personal if I do…that was I as in me not Igor k…I think….) do their work so well and quietly no one notices a thing except perhaps for one or two of the MM’s to half raise their heads….
Whatever FM was made is instituted quietly in society and no one notices any real change…this situation is the norm…

Sit 2)

Dr F, FM do equally as well as in the above but…Igor gets sloppy and drops a head on the way home to the lab…the MM’s are looking up in numbers now but as long as the head is brushed under the carpet quickly enough by something big happening, like a royal wedding for instance, most of the MM’s will go on about their daily grind without comment…however I did say ‘MOST’, some however SAW the head and are now talking about it!. They then become TB’s, TB’s shining lights is not a desirable thing for Dr F and his FM…the Igors know this and attempt a cover up…by buying the silence of the TB’s if they can, or by vilifying them unmercilessly so the MM’s believe them to be mad and unreliable even as MM’s, this can lead to one of two outcomes, 1) the TB’s become depressed and isolated , withdraws from the world and all in it, and effectively neutralises themselves thus reducing themselves to BU’s (though now they are ‘sensitised’ BU’s, and startle easily into renewed action as TB’s , they coud be termed as having ‘one eye open ‘ all the time), or, they become even more vociferous and shout loudly at anyone nearby which results in the MM’s assuring themselves with the help of the Igor’s that the TB’s were mad as tinfoil hatters(TFH’s) and only fit to be laughed at…this situation is becoming more the norm than the norm (see above) because the Igors are becoming increasingly bad at doing what they do…
There is a codicil…the MM’s have had some members ‘shaved’ off their ranks who now are listening to the TB’s and even helping the TB’s spread the light…they were close enough to the TB’s to see the  head perhaps, might even have caught it whilst taking a selfie, whatever, more are aware than before…

Sit 3)
Dr F has miscalculated and FM is producing unwanted phenomena which are having notable effects on the MM’s…Igors again cover up as best they can but it was too blatant a breach and the Local MM’s are listening to the TB’s whose complaints previously have been sounding so long that the MM’s recognise them at last through a sort of folk memory reflex, enough new TB’s have now been lit up for the clearer sighted TB’s(or maybe just the more logical) to see the FM very clearly and they morph into T’PHACKers. The strident mating calls of the T’PHACKers attract more MM’s from the BU’s…
Now we must look at critical mass…when a sufficient number of the BU’s become MM’s and a sufficient number of the  MM’s become TB’s and shine enough light for a sufficient increase in T’PHACKers to start  raising the ‘Hue and Cry’ is when the  T’PHACKer’s  suck in any ‘drifters’ from the surrounding BU’s  areas  and IF enough torches are being lit quickly enough and enough T@PHACKers are yeling “T’PHACK! Together… a Critical Mass begins to form and once formed then rolls out to deal with the situation caused by Dr F, his FM and the Igors…
Often in under lit situations the TB’s get disheartened and fall away and Dr F and his team win again largely by default.
It is only occasionally that sufficient LIGHT is carried and shone that the T’PHACKers finally reach the given target. Where, if they gather and shout T’PHACK loudly and long enough the proverbial ‘walls of Jericho can and will come tumbling down…

Here’s to the TB’s and the T’PHACKers who have worked so hard for so long and in the case of the TB’s almost unnoticed. The T’PHACKers are the ones usually recognised as the ‘leading lights’ and ‘hero’s and heroines’ when a cause is won .
Someone else called them the ‘wayseers’ which is a good enough description for the TB’s but falls short slightly for the T’PHACKers who have the added duty of clearing the way through the undergrowth to get to the FM’s and subsequently it is hoped hold the Dr F’s to account.


Fractured woman

battered to death

View points.
1st Responder……………….

In that dark and gloomy place
at first I did’nt see her face
and carelessly assumed
her body marks were tattoos…

two steps  nearer

a clearer view
the black and purple showing through
no tattoo, no tattoo…..no…
not tattoos!…
just bruise
ON bruise
ON bruise

our training is to ‘steam right in’ but …
I didn’t know….
where to begin….
and so I stalled,
the briefest moment
stomach knotting
in acid foment…..

…and then I saw her eyes…

I …
I thought …
I thought I
had seen it all
and was practically immune
but something left inside me…
something deep inside me…
hiding in the shadows…
of an internal room…
much like this one….
SHE is in
tears welled
for eyes that could no longer see
tears filled
and overflowed
………………..filled and overflowed…
………………………….filled and overflowed…
for this  fractured woman…

What tenderness may I now offer thee
sweet child…sweet child…OH sweet child…
I cannot…
raise my hand…
to touch…
for fear I’d see you flinch…

I have seen it
oft’ enough
to know
by both instinct
and by training…
You are beyond pain now….
beyond any aid there may be…
…in my hands…
beyond all help at my command…
I WILL take CARE of YOU now…
Fractured woman…
…broken girl…
and to try to hide my tears
I’ll fight
when I put my child to bed
when I hold her close and tight
and wish and hope that she
ill NOT
end up…
like this girl….this girl…
I tend tonight,
this fractured woman…



Did you stop to LOOK…
at the picture,
Someones daughter
someones child…
or was a
‘flicked glance’
as it is too…
to let inside…

I invite you to look again
as if it were a child of yours
had suffered so much pain…
what would you not do
to bring her back to life the same
as before the bruising
the fracturing and

You that pause and look once more
whose tears attempt
to heal
each graze and sore

…are blessed…
the devil take then all the rest
though they may
have eyes
they do not see
and thus they
can show no empathy
would walk on by
the fractured woman
….listen through
the screaming walls
….pretend it’s really
“Not my business”
and so on
ad infinitum
as another
and another…
fractured woman


View 3

The Policeman


We found the photo…
it was on the floor,
it showed she hadn’t moved far
just as far

as the last

bruise threw her…
We worked that out

by comparison…

Image and body

Body and image…

One last bludgeoned bruise…


And I can’t get beyond this…

She was alive

And then



There were other pictures

…scattered around…


…from the happy faced girl

meeting her ‘dream’…

through a series which seems

so obscene…

as it shows her descent into hell

and then her demise…

told by the storybook

of the light in her eyes…

sparkle to…dull

sparkle to dull.


God knows I deal with some scum in this job

…but this…THIS is the work of an ANIMAL
or worse…
not an ‘out of control’ madman, a lunatic!

This one’s SO controlled

in his controlling

it’s beyond the verge of sick…

…I wonder…

Is there another picture…
in a pocket

or ‘safe’ place

To be ‘treasured’…

was she ‘paraded’ on Facebook…
for social media ‘whores’ to say
such a pretty girlfriend …
while off the screen
no one heard
her scream!

Were there others before this one…

So many questions…

And the main witness

Will never share

her secrets…

WHY WHY WHY will they not come to us

And tell us…

Tell someone…


I know why…

I KNOW why…

for we failed

so many…

…have said so many times…

“Our hands are tied”…

“Its a ‘domestic’”

“loves him”…

“forgives him”…

…press charges…


”I drove him to it”

“It was MY fault,

he’s not a bad man…”

They always let that phrase


Into silence…

if they can

then fill it with their tears

for their poor,abused,broken and misunderstood ‘man’…

I want to shake them shout…


or it is only a matter of



Until I stand once again…

Knowing what I know

And looking at yet another

Fractured Woman…

Who ran out

of both…



Breaking News Queen Elizabeth ailing…could it be the end for her…

Breaking News…We learn today that Queen Elizabeth is suffering from internal problems and may be ‘unfit for further duties’ according to a well placed leak (not Wikileaks this time). Palace staff refused to be drawn on the matter but a highly respected source confirmed the leak is both factual and could endanger her safety.

Queen Elizabeth  suffered an internal malfunction which according to our well placed source resulted in a major evacuation of semen from her orifices. It is as yet unknown why such a malfunction of her tubes should have occurred , our source indicated that it may be due to an “excessively large shaft being forced into too tight a hole, which resulted in severe friction when the queen was ‘put through her paces’, our source said  that, ‘The Queen was a very noisy ride when flat out and none of the semen present appeared alarmed when she started shrieking and squealing a bit as they knew it to be normal for her to do so when pressed hard with a large shaft up her tube’ one was overheard to say that ‘she wasn’t lubricating enough to take the oversized shaft and even though semen Staines attempted to slow the shaft and its motion it was to no avail, the tube wearing and splitting, causing semen to run in all directions away from the scene of the shafted Queen.
The nation waits with bated breath to see if the Queen can have her tubes salvaged or whether this could be the end for her…


What is missing from this cartoon?


Well  Turdfreezer’s Brexit plans are in freefall SO MUCH for strong and stable…
I cannot help but laugh out loud and long at the sheer irony of Turdfreezer’s alliance with the DUP becoming such a stumbling block for the Turdfreezers little ‘kitten’ heeled feet… so there straight away is the first thin missing from the cartoon. there should be a rope around her feet flapping wildly in the slipstream and above her a ‘following great fat unionist fembot flailing downwards at her with a shillelagh, the other end of said rope attached to the fembots neck with a noose…
But wait there is something else missing from the cartoon…and that is where the SNP  figurehead comes into play…correct in the detail of the parachute of INDEPENDENCE which when deployed will haul Scotland up short and allow it to float serenely downwards, which is the point of the cartoon in the first place.

The cartoon fails to realise it’s FULL potential here though and what is missing is yet another rope..this time attached to Nickedthejodaffyer Sturgeon’s waistband, this is a longer rope than the DUP rope and its end is tied firmly round Turdfreezers neck…get the picture now people….
Turdfreezers days are numbered down into hours and minutes…as are the days of the DUP and the union itself… they are going to be decapitated forever with this fall at this speed and hopefully once these two snakes heads are severed the rest of us can live in peace and prosperity  whilst the headless Turdy party acolytes writhe off into the political wilderness for ever more!
Add to that the effect of the UN condemnation of this government and it’s treatment of the most vulnerable I would hope that the populace see sense and demand that the Turdy party become a banned and proscribed political terrorist group…with the DUP being given similar short shrift, never more to darken these shores with their royalist shite….
So given the above there is a third thing missing from this cartoon… go on have a guess…no….try again…oh ok I will give you a clue…obvious really …it is a third rope attached this time to the DUP fembot’s foot and fitting snugly round the monarch’s neck!

All those in favour of a brand new start after a clean sweep through say AYE!

PS SNP should now stand for Short Noose Party

PPS…See I can write a post about Turdfreezer WITHOUT swearing(it was exceptionally hard but I exceptionally loved this cartoon…thank you to this excellent site on facefuck (oops failed at the last gasp PMSL…)

Turdfreezer May

turdfreezer May

No one detests the Turdies more than I…and the fact that they were Turds enough to choose the Turdfreezer (pictured above) as their ‘leader’ (FFS) only serves to make me detest them even more. This inhuman piece of garbage should rot forever in the Public Stocks for what IT has done to these lands…and the folk that ‘exist’ (I won’t say live, it is less that that for too many) here.
So it should go without saying that I also detest all and any that might help keep IT and IT’s thick as pigshit chums where they find themselves today which unfortunately is defiling the corridors and benches of the Houses of Commons ,yeah yeah I know, I have little love to spare for that institution either BUT given the fact it is extant and given the fact that it IS (or is supposed to be ) THE place where the ‘elected’ representatives of the people decide and make legislation which controls the UK’s people IN THE INTERESTS OF THE PEOPLE it should not be populated by FUCKING MILLIONAIRES whose allegiances are questionable to say the FUCKING LEAST

If you have been paying the slightest attention to what occurs in that place you WILL realise (or you bloody well ought to) that ANY proposed amendments to bills passing through there which ameliorate the poverty inducing effects of said bills have been (to use their euphemism) ‘talked down’ by sheer COCKWAFFLING Turdy party members…ask yourself ….CUI BONO, or WHO BENEFITS and every time it is the FUCKING RICH as they get richer off our misery and poverty!

We have a government of kleptocrats intent on kleptoing  anything they can even if it is FUCKING NAILED DOWN!…they have systematically carpetbagged the entirety of the UK’s wealth and assets and they haven’t even got a decent majority which might in some way justify their actions (no they are not justifiable at all ever…). Look at who they put in charge of the NHS a spunkstain of a shitebag Germy Cunt that wrote a FUCKING BOOK on dismantling it!…and what about that spat out blowjob of a foreign secretary, for crying out loud is the prospect of the out break of all out war not horrifying enough without knowing that the VERY BEST efforts were made to avoid such happening, BOJO as it is affectionately and laughably known can’t string together a coherent sentence of a simple kind like “I have shit myself” (he would get that wrong too many times out of ten to) let alone deal with matters of grave international concern with world leaders who know the difference between noughts and crosses and chess and can play both…simultaneously…in the dark…and wearing blindfolds…and what about Pisstreak PATEL  who works for the Israeli zionists for fucks sake! ( thank feck she has been sidelined for a while, though there is every reason to believe that she will either become the next Hollywood heroine in an action film or possibly the PM of the UK for her TREASON)

Once upon a time my mind used to BOGGLE at what these skidmarks got up to but I cannot in all honesty say that it does anymore for it is just the logical conclusion drawn from that which BOGGLED my mind back in Thatcher’s days of running the UK into the ground. When are the people of this land ever going to WAKE UP and smell the corruption, will they ever!, I won’t hold my breath ok…

…and I suppose I am liable to be arrested for ANY of the above that I have written down…go ahead arrest me lets have it out in court!  Turdfreezer May and her shitlicker cohorts and their shitsucking judges and shitstained enforcement agents (don’t get me started on FUCKING G4s…….) bring it fucking on!

( I would like to apologise for my swearing at this juncture but I REALLY held myself back as it is and what is said above is about as mild and objective as I could manage…my piss boils to quote an old blogger I used to know….)

tory voters

(thanks RTP for the above)

Homelessness…think on!

Snow sleep

Cold winds blow, white snow flies…been moved on from warmth by the revenue guys… twas only a doorway of a closed down shop… but it was out of the snow …and most of the wind had stopped…”a thousand pounds” one said to me “is what you’ll be charged if we see…your face round here again”…I almost laughed, I almost cried, the tear that welled… froze… while still in my eye…I shuffled off, too cold to walk… my breathing wracked by the cold air cough…I have come to know so well…cold wind blows… snow, white lies, and keeps on falling from leaden skies…
that’s when I found the santa hat, laying like a pointing hand… I grabbed it… followed its mute command…into this dark park…
white wind whips, cold snow grows…cuts like a knife through all my clothes… and saps the energy that I had…I really need to rest… as frozen feet make walking bad…no place to get out of this…wild wind…I wonder dimly just how I sinned…to deserve this…
white wind howls, the ice snow flurries…and passes through me… removing worries…of anything other than finding… warmth…its a bitter wind blows from the north…across this open space…I find a bench, and read its plaque…and sit ,at least the wind is at my back…and for its warmth…I wear the hat…and huddled down , through slitted eyes I watch the bobble fall and rise…with the wind…
Snow blows, the wind a slashing blade…I no longer care to be afraid…but I know…in all this snow…I must’nt…MUSTN’T…close..my eyes…so hard to breathe the freezing air…through shivering lips and shuddering chest… I must , I must… find some rest…snow settles, wind nettles, through clothes to skin within…eyelids drop…dreams begin….NO MUSTN’T!… close my eyes and look within…for warmth…but I do…Nose itches for a sneeze bleeding snot onto my knees…and as I watch the silver drops…the snow ceases…and wind eases…long enough to feel some warmth…my bodies energy flooding forth…and strangely satisfied…I closed my eyes……thats when I died…
The last thing on my mind…is thanks…to the one whose bench I sit upon …donated …in Memorium.

(copyright waived for attribution…Neil Mc Neil 2017 if this ‘doggerel saves one life by spurring action in anothers heart…its purpose is served…bless all who make the effort without which the homeless die)

Yes it is me again…unlucky aintcha!

It has now been just a shade over 6, yes I sad SIX,years and a hell of a lot of urine has flowed through the sewers quite a few chocolate logs and hordes of those rat like things commonly known as politicians…
Yes I had another site through some of that time until I ran out of cash and couldn’t afford to renew the domain name registration thingymabobwotsit. Many great and wondrous pieces of citizen journalism have now been lost forever due to my becoming a victim of POVERTY…I know, I know it is a sad indictment of this our once great system that I am rendered thus into the pages of a Dickensian novel on steroids…
I would have resurrected this blog WHEN the domain thingymabobwotsit ran out to ensure continuity for you my dedicated readers and followers but…I forgot the password to get into a) this blog and b) the email account that I set this blog up with and it has taken a good couple of years to work patiently through my memory banks several tons of scraps of paper with expired notes and passwords on  and then when that had failed to sit with  another 999,000,000 chimps with typewriters to help hone it down to it’s logical conclusion…getting back in AND it worked here I am again but there is a small continent of apeshit and banana peels to clean up for my troubles….
Don’t worry the cleaning lady will be in next Friday, until then if it smells a bit ripe in here you know why k xx
So this is a sort of tester of a blog to see if the search engines still remember how to crawl in this direction and over the next few days I will see if I can remember how to 1) post a blog. 2)check if links and stuff still work. 3) find out if any of the old bloggers remember who the feck I am.  4) see if I have anything to say worth saying (probably not as it would be a shame to spoil a thus far unblemished record of tripe! and 5)start taking pot shots at the vermin that infest our so called Parliament ( I may take a few potshots at other administrative regimes around the possibly global flat or toroidal earth as well although that may be a bit ambitious at the moment as I am forced to try to make a living somehow as well).
One can perhaps deduce from the following ‘BALD’ statement that a mahoosive amount is no longer the same with me as it was previously…are you ready for it?…NO! not that IT! the bald statement..egad I can see you lot are as bad as ever you were…I am HOMELESS! (told you a lot had happened)
I wonder if anyone still has a link to this drivel (sorry)…site…I suppose that will become clear one day or not as the case may be…
So if you are reading this …welcome back or if you have been here waiting patiently for another post to come along  consider yourself either vindicated or terminally stupid as I did leave a post saying I had moved….
fuck the system

A BIG SOCIETY but for only a few Rich friends eh iDave

The BIG SOCIETY iDave keeps talking about is to set up a new fresher sort of society…

The Big Society is about helping people to come together to improve their own lives. It’s about putting more power in people’s hands – a massive transfer of power from Whitehall to local communities.

Well that sounds like it would be good doesn’t it children?…

Community empowerment: giving local councils and neighbourhoods more power to take decisions and shape their area. Our planning reforms lead by DCLG, will replace the old top-down planning system with real power for neighbourhoods to decide the future of their area.

Yay!!! I can hear you all cheering ’empowerment’ at last of frabtious day!!!….

Opening up public services: our public service reforms will enable charities, social enterprises, private companies and employee-owned co-operatives to compete to offer people high quality services. The welfare to work programme, lead by the Department for Work and Pensions will enable a wide range of organisations to help get Britain off welfare and into work.

ALL our problems are pretty much sorted then, nothing more to worry about. We are all going to have JOBS one way or another Whoopee!!…

Social action: encouraging and enabling people to play a more active part in society. National Citizen Service, Community Organisers and Community First will encourage people to get involved in their communities.

National Citizen Service?…????… say what now?…never mind must be ok its lumped in with community works, to improve the community can’t be a bad thing then eh!…

The Office for Civil Society, part of the Cabinet Office, works across government departments to translate the Big Society agenda into practical policies, provides support to voluntary and community organisations and is responsible for delivering a number of key Big Society programmes, namely:

Since when did we have an ‘OFFICE FOR CIVIL SOCIETY ?’ and what big projects exactly are you talking about?…

The Big Society Bank

The Government has committed to setting up a Big Society Bank to give social enterprises, charities and voluntary organisations access to greater resources. It will be set up using money from dormant bank accounts (those untouched for 15 years or more and available for spending in England) and will encourage investment in social change.

RIGHT, stop right there !, the government are going into the banking business are they….this doesn’t sound like a good idea to me, and given they are going to rob dormant accounts of their contents and that money doesn’t belong to them or the banks that will be giving it to them just where exactly do they get the authority do do this thing and….WHO did you say was going to be running it?….

Outline Proposal

Sir Ronald Cohen and Nick O’Donohoe, acting as Independent Advisers to Government on the Big Society Bank, put forward an outline proposal for Big Society Capital that was accepted by Government on 9 May.

You can read the letter endorsing the proposals from Francis Maude [PDF], Minister for the Cabinet Office, to Sir Ronald Cohen and Nick O’Donohoe.

Independent advisers to the government…now how much do you think they will cost us then, and who are ‘they’ exactly? Well I have to admit that Sir Ronald Cohen must be ok if he’s got a knighthood, isnt that right?…but who is this other one NICK O DONOHOE, he couldn’t possibly be the head of research for JP MORGAN the American Banking Dynasty that have been fixing the price of silver and bringing about the world financial collapse by their dirty derivatives sales …nah it couldn’t be him could it Dave…DAVE ANSWER ME!!! It isn’t him is it Dave?

You brain dead sycophantic, money grubbing, influence seeking, turncoat…NO ONE in their right mind would put any one of those LEECHES anywhere near our money, our communities, our livelihoods, because people in their right minds remember the old sayings like ‘birds of a feather, tarred with the same brush etc. If this IS true I really do give up…our country is being run by sub-normals …no my apologies… SUB-SUB NORMALS who were rejected for SUB  NORMALSHIP because even sub normals wouldn’t be that fecking stupid even by accident, with their eyes closed, in the dark whilst blind drunk and on drugs…which seems to be par for the course with the feckwits that somehow have got to be in charge of this once GREAT and SENSIBLE country…its as if Monty Python are running the place for a year or two for a joke….NO I AM NOT LAUGHING!!!

Can you spell Hypocrite…A.M.E.R.I.C.A., updated with one of our Hypocrites

Brilliant little film here, pass it on ! it applies to our lot as well as theirs…

Just to show how high and far hypocrasy goes heres one of our very own major hypocrites caught in the act …

Think about these people and what they do, think about the power that they have over you because you allow them it by not standing up and saying NO in as loud a voice as you can, it is time we took our constitutions back into the safety of the hands that love them and out of the clutches of the rapists that hold them now…think on….think on!