You are not the legal fiction,

Freeman wins in court, spread the word and spread it far

o what does this all mean? In very simple terms, it is SEISMIC i.e. extremely significant. It means that the court has accepted that the council’s claim is against the legal fiction MR ROGER HAYES and not me, the flesh and blood man Roger Hayes. The court has also accepted that I (Roger Hayes) can act as a third party representative to defend the claim against MR ROGER HAYES.

The legal fiction cat is truly out of the bag (although for me this is the second time I have achieved this in court). If the council goes on to win its case, then the court will find against the legal fiction MR ROGER HAYES, but significantly, they will not have found against me Roger Hayes… because as the court agrees… MR ROGER HAYES is a corporation… which isn’t me. One important thing is now clearly established – I, Roger Hayes, am not liable for council tax, AND NEITHER ARE YOU.

For the full article and further links go to the Libertarian alliance and scroll down to The Cat is Out of The Bag…also at Captain Ranty’s who as usual writes a nice piece on it!

folks this is monumental as it establishes the fact that we are not the legal fiction, we are not the corporation….