UK Column Peaceful Protest

Reproduced below is a comment from the UK Column forum which is calling for a peaceful protest, if you are willing to protest peacefully please turn up

We are approaching a truly historical moment. There is a process happening right in front of our eyes which should be no surprise to any of us. The entire system, funded by the globalist bankers, and established by the traitors in national governments right around the world is in a state of terminal collapse. Nothing can save it. It is dead.

The question is, will we follow it into its grave? Exactly what is going to replace it?

Here lies the next task, and if we fail, we will leave those who survive with a global fascist dictatorship of the worst kind imaginable, following a period of chaotic, probably extremely violent, “transformation.”

So the choice is there in front of us. Are we going to cower in a corner somewhere while the Cameron-Clegg-Clone and its disgusting traitors to “dismantle” the UK (Cameron’s word) and take us and the rest of the planet into a new Jacobin Terror, or are we going to grasp the spirit of rebellion, take back what is ours, and start to rebuild?

This is a call to action – lawful, peaceful action. And here’s your first chance:

We are calling on ALL our supporters to meet us at the Brass Balance pub on the Wirral, at 1pm on Monday 7th March. We intend to shake the foundations of the establishment. Details of the nature of the event cannot be given in advance for obvious reasons, but we ask you to support this initiative, and spread the word by whatever means you have at your disposal. The maximum turnout is what’s needed.

Remember, violence, chaos, these are the tools of our enemies. This is not a demonstration. This will be a calm, measured, peaceful action. An action which will shock, and a key example of the practical application of Lawful Rebellion.

Join us at The Brass Balance, 39 Argyle Road, Birkenhead CH41 6AB, 1pm Monday, 7th March.

STOP PRESS the address is Argyle Street  near Hamilton Square, and the pub is known as Weatherspoons, be there for the start of ‘our’ protest against the wrongs of the society we live in today.