Its a stable who d’you think lives here??(updated)

Keep a close watch on wandering folk in long robes bearing gifts of gold , frankincense and myrrh…

Yes its that time of the decade again where our so called Masters and betters want to know how many cattle they have on the farm.

Personally I am not letting them know about the 20 Nigerians and their families that are in our attic, or the Polish labourers in the basement, as they would only want to tax me on their rent!

Joking aside, I have to object in the strongest possible terms to this re-newed invasion of our privacy, I could go on at length about there being no need to know so much detail etc etc but as I know you my dear reader will have a HUGE article to read on it here (which I could not say much better) for once I am going to shut up and let someone else do the writing! ( I hope that wasn’t a sigh of relief!)

There is also a small but beautifully formed (as usual) piece directing you to the same place here at Captain Ranty’s

I urge all my one reader to join in this titanic struggle against the despotic government and the US warmongering Lockheed corporation and download the packs and pass out the information to all that you can. The Egyptians, Tunisians, Libyians, Bahranians, Iranians and any other Ians you can think of are all having a pop at their rulers so its time for us to follow their lead, let us the UKians do our bit to screw up the world order and let us indulge in a little civil disobedience, you know it makes sense

( or at least you should know if we don’t now, we will never be able to again)

With me to the barricades friends! We can win this one!

P.S. Talking with a mate called Chris who has been looking at the Census Legislation and the Bill of Rights,there appear to be 2 main grounds for not playing along with this ‘game’

Firstly if it is as section 2 & 3 say an offence to give out information from the census, it stands to reason that if we give the information knowing that it is in unsafe hands then we are complicit in a crime, having severe doubts that the safety of the information is not well assured by either Lockheed (known data miners) or ONS means we should have lawful excuse not to comply in the first place.

Secondly the Bill of Rights, under the section on fines and forfeitures, states we should not be liable to excessive penalty, it has to be argued that £1000 is an excessive penalty under any circumstances, let alone the economic duress we are already suffering.

I agree with Chris and will stand on these points if forced to court, I only hope that it will prove unnecessary to go that far down the route and that the mass of non replies will mean that they give up…what truly concerns me is that sufficient mass of the sheeple will give their information away to the PTB without the slightest thought to the ramifications of their actions…We need to educate everyone NOW!


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