And the sun shines in …maybe! updated

Well what a long dawn it has been for me, and many others too perhaps!

Firstly to all that I met for the first time today,  it was an ABSOLUTE pleasure!

The Day…

Unbelievable happenings in and around the court today, what went down?…well let me tell you, the whole thing went absolutely wild, but those attending were so well behaved and so restrained in their demeanour it was a pleasure to see!

The short version was that the judge (so self called ) would not admit his oath after being asked several times and ultimately his arrest was called for , at that point several people and ‘Rusty’ deserves special mention as the first to go for it, tried to arrest the judge, he was tackled by a policewoman and a court official and then a second policeman.

While they were so occupied another sovereign walked up stepped across the bar and arrested the judge , quietly and with dignity, no force was used

Two members of the public were taken away by the police but neither one was the so called judge! he made his escape and is now , as I understand it, a fugitive from justice.

what a day hundreds of ordinary people stood up and were counted, the police attending could not cope with people who knew their rights and eventually gave up doing anything effective apart from guarding the doors of the court, no one went in and our remaining people were ejected one by one to rousing cheers!

What today proves is that they cannot deal with peaceful people who insist on their rights (few though they may be anymore thanks to the corrupt politicians)

The Administrative ‘courts’ are all called into question by this farce perpetrated upon the people , hopefully now for one of the last times.

The Sheriff of the county had been contacted and had refused to do his job and so a new Sheriff was elected by the people and a grand Jury ( with investigative powers) was formed they were in court, they know the truth, they witnessed the police being sorely wrong footed and taking the wrong side ( they effectively arrested properly instituted members of a posse comitatus, itself a crime).

Make no mistake what happened today should shake the establishment to its roots, where there were 500-1000 people today next time it will be more , and more we will no longer stand mute as acts of fraud are perpetrated upon the ordinary folk of this society.

To my mind today was a first strike and a resounding victory for all of us ordinary folk, be proud of yourselves all who attended, be proud of what has been achieved by these folk all who could not be there.

This story is not ended, there were hundreds of videos taken today of all stages of the proceedings these will come onto the internet over the next few days , watch them and understand the underlying message that they contain. We the people want and have claimed OUR courts back from the fraudsters and theives that have taken them as a ‘milch cow’ for so many years , their arrogance and sloppyness has brought them to this and now, NOW they should consider whose side they are going to be on, we the people care not if they choose the establishment, though we would prefer them to change their ways and uphold the peoples rights and come to the defence of those who ultimately hold the true power in this ‘OUR’ land…WE, THE PEOPLE, without our consent they , they…are history and we shall not mourn their passing!

I will try to paint the whole picture for you over the next few days , right now …I am going to have a VERY large DRINK!

Slanche, good health and heres to The People!


and some media coverage can be found here wirral waffle

and again with an update wirral waffle

and more sympathetically The Sovereign Independant

and the  the wail

The Metro

We are all famous people ALEX JONES on INFO WARS has picked it up squarely

the Housepricecrash has this


Informed Minds, has a good take on it!

and again from IM oh fer gawds sake just go there and browse around theres loads of good writing there! and dont miss this

and David Icke is in now too here

and a personal hero of mine has linked in to the next post Captain Ranty

The Political Take

Doug Carswell gets it wrong here for UKIP, but look at his comments

thanks again everyone!

Does a new day dawn…

2.40 in the morning and it is impossible to sleep!

The morning will bring with it a whole new reality, instead of hiding away here  in a blog, I will be standing shoulder to shoulder with others who think and feel as I do about the state of this union of nations.

We are all, I know, fed up to the back teeth with the erosion of our freedoms, the repressive state that afflicts us on all fronts, and it has come time to stand up and be counted for what we are, FREEMEN (and women).

This long night, we hope, will give way into a better day for us and our children, men and women are travelling from all over to be at this place that I am going to, ordinary people are taking the time and chance of being in the place where once and for all we say in a single voice “NO MORE!”, did I say ordinary?…I retract that, the people who will be joining me today are BRAVE people, ready to put themselves on the line to declare that they have had enough of the sham that this united nation has become

Once great, this place has become stifled by those who would bleed us dry, with their flim-flam and deciet, their cons and half truths and  half lies. with their armies of enforcers with their batons and sprays, tasers and guns. They have reduced us to slavery and wish to reduce us also in spirit, a task they have virtually achieved with most of the population, but there are still some who believe that we should be/are free and will stand up against them and their corruption and force.

Todays gathering of free sovereign people, asserting their inalienable rights, is to be a peaceful and wonderous event, i hope that it is respected for what it is meant to be and not attacked by the PTB. I hope that it gives hope to all those suffering under the boot of oppression that is so skilfully exerted upon the people of this land and I hope that those people see this gathering and take notice of what is said and claimed in the name of our freedom, and I hope that they too rise up to stand with us against the tyranny of the state!

There have been many who have been talking of freedom over the last few years, but now it has come to the time to act instead of talk, now it has come to the time to bring about the change we all desire, now is the time to become responsible for ourselves and our actions, now is the time to build a better society, free from the interference of meddling politicians who take away our rights of action and leave us at the mercy of the yobs and criminals whilst simultaneously robbing us of our hard earned and hard won money and possessions, through their abysmal mismanagement, horrific taxes and crippling legislation.

It may be too late now, to ask any of you to come and join with us who will stand shoulder to shoulder today, but think of us as we do what we do today and know that we are standing there on your behalf also, for we are one people under their tyranny and we either stand now or kneel forever!, I for one will never kneel, I would prefer to die!

For the friends who are coming I offer two pieces of music, though they are both Scottish I ask you to look to the lyrics and understand their intent, the intent to be free!

and think on all you who live nearer than Scotland, people are travelling from there to be here today, to stand and be counted….for you and the benefit of your children and their freedom!, may our standing together bring us the victory we so sorely need!

For those who cannot or will not be there much of the days events will be broadcast on TNS from 12 o clock onwards join us there at least!