Rusty’s arrest by judges ‘Rescuers’

You will by now have seen the video evidence of the so called arrest and detainment of one (and more) of the lawful rebellion members at Birkenhead County Court, if not please go here .

This posting is in the form of my assessment break down of this affair, of which I was an eye witness.

I will start by setting the scene of the reality of this so called ‘offence’ that Rusty (bless his little cotton socks) is accused of, and for clarity the article the quote below is taken from can be found here,

The Judge was, in law, “rescued” by the police. Here is the definition of that offence from Archbold:
“Rescue at common law is forcibly liberating a prisoner from lawful custody: 1 Co.Inst. 160; 1 Hale 606, 611; 2 Hawk. c. 21; 1 Russ.Cr., 12th ed., p. 335. If the prisoner is in private custody, the rescuer is not liable criminally unless he knew that the prisoner was in custody on a criminal charge: ibid. The offence is generally treason or misdemeanour according to the quality of the person rescued; but if the latter is not convicted of the offence for which he was in custody, the rescue is only a misdemeanour: ibid …”

If you read that carefully it can be seen that Rusty cannot be guilty of any offence, indeed it is the police themselves who are guilty of any offences committed that day as they were/are the ‘rescuers’ of a man that was accused of a crime in a court of law!

That Rusty did (or attempted to do) as he was charged with by the cry “Arrest that man” is no dishonour to himself or any other who attempted to go to the aid of the one who raised the ‘hue and cry’, it is everyones duty to respond to such a cry and this dates back into our ancient history and is still extant in the notion of our ‘civic’ duties

What is apparent from this episode is that the police, who are sworn to uphold the law, are nothing more than policy enforcers for the establishment who disregard their oaths and dishonour the very ethic that they are so happy to quote at every opportunity of being ‘peace officers serving the public daily’, the lie to that ethic has now been shown in its entirety. If the police serve the public , whether they know the law or not, it was their duty to immediately arrest on suspicion of a criminal act  the man who claimed that he was sitting as a judge.

To stop Rusty or anyone else from making a peaceful (if hectic) arrest was itself a crime and charges must be brought against all of the police which aided and abetted that crime, nothing less will suffice

I watched the policewoman who accused Rusty of assault throughout the ‘court case’, if she had been paying any attention then the ‘law ‘ was fully explained and she had no excuse either legal or lawful to stop or impede the arrest attempts by members of the public. However she was not really ‘there’ at the time as she was obviously determined to keep order and paid no attention to the goings on of the ‘court case’ itself (a pity for  she could have learned a great deal about the law she is sworn to uphold).

To compound such an ignorant attitude with a claim of assault against Rusty is a horrendous attempt to pervert the course of justice, for it was clearly she who attacked Rusty in the first place and without lawful excuse that action placed her firmly into the realm of aggressor and stripped her of all legal protections that her uniform may previously have allowed her to get away with. The whole episode was witnessed by many people of good character who I believe will not hesitate to stand as witnesses to the treatment that Rusty was subjected to.

Having said all this , and it would be my testimony on oath, then I must add that it was with some relief to myself (and no doubt Rusty) that a file containing the video above) came into my possesion, which documented the entire incident from the start.

It can plainly be seen that Rusty tried to avoid all the commotion by running round the melee which was in his way only to be slammed against the wall by the policewoman and then further assaulted by the court clerk and shortly after another policeman . I am totally disgusted by the whole business of accusing any of our number of any crime in this regard.

It is also evidenced on the video that the whole scenario of stopping members of the public from doing their duty was to no avail, as another member of the public can clearly be seen to walk around the struggling mob of officers subduing Rusty and another on the floor , and who then stepped over the bar and laid his hand peacefully on the judge and made the requested arrest. The Judge was not harmed in any way and was never  in any danger of harm from any of the public present, and even seemed to calmly accept the inevitable arrest.

The judge was seen to walk away aided by the police and court officials ‘the rescue’ and as such has immediately become an escaped felon, there can be no doubt in my mind of this, contrast his treatment with the treatment any of ‘us’ would receive for attempting the same thing (in fact just look at Rusty’s attempts to remove himself from the violent restraint being placed upon him) the judge was not restrained forcefully, where then is ‘our’ equality in the eyes of the law?

There is a codicil I would like to add here to end with if you will forgive me…

There were many signs about the court saying that it was an offence to video, record etc in court, the question I have to put is this, if the court can video everyone in it at all times via cctv, why as members of the public are we not allowed to do the same…the answer they would give is security, well security is a two edged sword my friends where is our security when gross breaches of the law are taking place in ‘our’ courts, where is our recourse to evidence of the goings on that afflict us day in and day out when face to face encounters happen in the ‘courts’ We are stripped of our rights and thus forced to rely on witness testimony which is often shredded by a ‘good’  barrister in the courtroom drama at a later date, for few people have as good a memory and enough strength of character to be able to stand up effectively against the rigged questioning of their adversarial system and its archaic rules of audience.

It is time to reform the courts and the law, it is time to repeal the legislation which tries to effect our slavery and obedience to the people with the bully henchmen (and women) with the sticks and tasers and guns etc.  There is no ‘Law’ there it is just coercion of the basest kind, on Monday the people reclaimed their courts, on Monday the people said NO we have had enough of your bullies and orders, and slavery, we wish to return to ‘our’ rights and freedoms and we wish you the courts (and establishment ) to do your jobs as you are supposed to do, fairly and with honour! Shake Westminster if you do not heed this warning for your time will be short, any attempt to whitewash the proceedings of this day will cause more people to rise against you, do not be fooled into thinking that you can gloss over this issue as you have with the war, Dr Kelly and so many other issues , this is the people speaking, and it is time that you listened!

I will protect the source of the video evidence even if that action should result in a jail sentence, and I am sure any court case which tries to do so will be attended by a very large gathering of my ‘friends’ the people!

JUDGES prove me wrong and admit  ‘mistake’ in that you were unaware of the law and come to the aid of the people , while you still can….

Rusty if you are reading this answer my email now please