Census?…the Queen already has my details…

Call me a traitor to the cause if you like but I have already voluntarily sent my contact information to the Queen personally. It went off in a brown manilla A4 envelope earlier this week by recorded delivery (just to make sure she got it).

For regardless of the unknown ramifications of having entered into this route , I have now been convinced that without doing so I can never hope to hold my head high  and claim the legitimacy of ‘Freeman’ status.

So what of the official ‘Census’ which is at the moment sweeping over us all, my answer is ‘I am in Lawful Rebellion, following the treason perpetrated upon the people by both Queen and Government with the collusion of parliament , and am therefore under an obligation to do everything in my power to distress and distrain all agencies of the ‘Crown’ until such time as redress of the Barons Committee complaint has been properly addressed and resolved to their and our (the peoples) satisfaction.”

To my mind nothing short of complete withdrawal from the Treaty of Lisbon and any law making powers that the EU may have over us , plus the repeal of all legislation made since the treasonous governments of Blair and Brown will do!

But back to the main reason of this post…the census, there are many grounds I feel for refusing this intrusion into our private lives , not least the fact that the so called government of this land cannot keep data safely at any time and has been shown time and again to be completely negligent in its duties to us (the people).

The main reason I would have nothing to do with the ‘Census’ though lies in the fact that Lockheed Martin are syphoning off huge obscene amounts of ‘our’ money to run the census gathering, within this objection lie two very clear issues that should be of major concern to everybody that lives in these lands.

1. The money that is leaving this system and going to an American corporation, would be far better staying in this our economy. It is nothing but sheer folly to remove such sums from the economy at this time of economic adversity, it will make us all poorer for doing so.

2. and much more importantly is that Lockheed Martin are the most untrustworthy and one of the most dangerous corporations on the face of this planet, I would not believe a single syllable, let alone a whole word, that issued from their mouthpieces.

They are involved in war and death, data gathering and security worldwide, their processes have been criticised time and time again, I could not agree to support these people in any way at all, look them up if you do not believe me!

I do not need further reasons to not submit to the census, come what may they will never get one out of me and I will never pay a fine for not having complied with their threats and menaces, which by the way are illegal and unlawful, according to the Bill of Rights they have no right to even suggest that I will receive  a fine for not doing something!, threats of fines are not allowed, and that is what they are doing, threatening to ensure compliance , I for one will not be threatened any more nor give one inch of ground to them ever again.


Your choice…slavery or rebellion!…I know my path.

by way of alternate views on this subject please have a look at Informed Minds on this, he has written a good piece with this lovely quote in it that you should all remember…

From the census director

“We have to have made contact.  So quite a lot of the people that don’t return the questionnaire, our census field staff have not been able to make any contact and you cannot prosecute a house.“

you heard it from the horses ass mouth!