A “Matchless Man”(Birkenhead court protest)

I would like you all to meet an amazing man, he is one of those who fought for this land to give us our freedom!

He made the effort to travel to the Birkenhead court to support Roger Hayes and the actions he was to take. He did not know what to expect but still he travelled with his medals on his chest and his old matelot’s cap on his head, a proud man and an ex service man.

What drove him to spend his meagre pension on a long trip into unknown territory? There must be a deep unrest within his heart over the way in which this country has been sold out and our hard won freedoms gifted away by the legislators.

We should not wish to see men like this being driven onto the streets of protest by the invidious machinations of our traitorous governments, we would rather he was spending a comfortable afternoon in his garden in the spring sunshine instead of traipsing out to raise his voice once again for freedom, has he not given enough in his time?

My only question to all of you who stayed home and did not attend would be , “If he could make the effort..then where were you?”

This man is an old veteran and campaigns still, he even has a blog of his own find him here at Norman Scarth , I was proud to shake his hand, wouldn’t you have been?

Protester given 2 weeks for contempt of court! Address added!

News just coming in to me says that one of Mondays, protesters has been sent down for 2 weeks for ‘contempt of court’. Fair play Mike we all hold them in contempt and they had to pick on someone to vent their spleen on and it was you!

May I suggest to any readers out there that we all send Mike a postcard every day for the next week congratulating him on his stance and assuring him we will be there for his next appearance to support him and show the courts ‘our’ collective contempt for their illegal and unlawful actions!

His name is Mike Whitby and he is being held I believe in Walton!

If it is the man who refused to give his name I have no doubt the contempt was for not doing so to the magistrate/judge who sat on his case.

Petty and vindictive the courts of this land must be cleansed and put into the hands of those who do care deeply about justice and whose shoulders are broad enough to ignore contempt whilst still issuing justice.

Monday is not over people and it looks like it is going to be a very, very long day.

Don’t forget those messages of encouragement for MIKE now will you, let us flood the prison post room with them

What TPTB don’t realise is that locking us up will just result in many more people, who do have their eyes open to the system and its abuses, learning a whole lot more about how they have been screwed, this will snowball and the PTB have only themselves to blame!

I will update this as news comes in!

the address is

Mike Whitby

HMP Liverpool

68 Hornby Road


L9 3DF

Tel: 0151 530 4000

a phone call should get you his prisoner number, you could also tell them to release him as he is an innocent man.

If you do write to him , please tell him where you got the idea from, let the so called authorities know who is being the thorn in their flesh eh!