New Clear Fall Out

I am not a telly watcher, though sometimes I will have a look at the news, most of my information these days comes from the Internet, somehow it seems more pertinent to my curiosity to be able to chase up/down the links to see as many sides to a particular subject as i can find.Echoing my thoughts today I ran across this , there have been a flush of comments on the Nuclear problems that have occurred in Japan since the Tsunami of a couple of weeks ago.

I have felt, since noticing the fact that the reactors are stuffed, a distinct lack of concern on the part of the MSM and our government. It has taken a good deal of web wandering to find out that the Japanese reactors are not just the 4 mentioned by the news services but in fact that the installation is the largest nuclear array in the world and there are 11 reactors there (to date I have been unable to find out if they are all housed in separate buildings or if there are more than one to a building.) It has long made me wonder how the so called ‘workers’ were wandering around with nothing more than paper suits and paper face masks in a highly irradiated environment, instead of full radiation suits.

I have even begun to wonder if the Libyan campaign by our government is just a cover up job ‘burying bad news’, it would fit the scenario only too well. What amazes me is that in a time when the very worst of nightmare scenarios hangs like the sword of Damoclese over the heads of every human on the planet, the rolling news services remain mute on the subject which should be of greatest concern.

Do I or anyone else in this country give two flying ****’* about a desert arab and his problems at home in his tent? NO!

Where do we learn that our lives are over, when do we get informed that the Iodine found falling over britain is radioactive? The simple answer is that they are not going to tell us anything, far away, and out of sight , out of mind is the mantra of the day.

However let me put this in some sort of perspective for you all… why pay your bills? why pay your taxes? why go to work? why do anything but enjoy the last days of your lives tell me that will you!

Is everyone so STUPID that they will carry on regardless in the face of this invisible threat?, if it was a war machine massing on our borders then we would probably all down tools with the usual routine and prepare for the inevitable! but this insidious poisoning cannot be felt, smelt or seen and so we go on about our daily lives as if nothing had happened, wake up people and even if we are not all going to die imminently from the effects of this tragedy, go out and demand that all nuclear establishments are shut down immediately and made safe as they can be forever, encase them in concrete do whatever it takes but get rid of all nuclear plants for they are just an unacceptable danger to us all, a price too high to pay!

Stop watching the telly and start screaming for some sense in this matter…and do it today, for tomorrow you will all fry quietly from the inside out without knowing what or why you are so afflicted.

Alarmist? Overreacting? thats why I hate sheeple, they’re not capable of intelligent thought, they ban me smoking tobacco but they suck mightily on the reefer of nuclear power and damn us all!

But don’t worry, the MSM aren’t talking about it so we are in the clear…aren’t we?…

This guy tells the story, believe him he is there and scared to death! Good luck mate!

This man is effectively dead and so may we be…WAKE UP PEOPLE and at least stop doing the usual stuff you do and take time to smell the roses eh!

PS. spotted well before I did by Freewestray !, (you can go off people y’know lol)