In case you have not heard..I hadn’t!!!

Roger Hayes has been made bankrupt in the Liverpool courts!

A hearing that he did not even bother to turn up to!

I found this out from a friend who sent me the following link!

Council Tax rebel who tried to arrest judge at Wirral court is declared bankrupt

I cannot say that I am happy to have heard this news this way! Many people put their faith on the line the other week and it would seem they did that to no avail, well it may have been some use to the POLICE who videoed and photographed everybody!
I need some thinking time on this one folks…and I don’t think it will be a pretty read if I publish it!

waiting for the end…

I am sadly of the opinion today that there will be no chance for us ‘the people’ to change the way that the worlds events are unfolding. We are not in control of our governments, We are not in charge of the media, many if not most of us are fast asleep and unable to awaken!

Those that are awake can shout all they like but who will awaken to listen? a bare handful of the comfortable westerners will exchange their security/comfort for the realities involved with standing up to the warmongers and thieves that rule over us.

I despair for humanity, as there seems so little of it left in the attitudes of the masses and the psychopaths that feed on and off them!

I see ‘our’ so called government , rallying the folks back home with cries of  “for freedom, for democracy, for the people!!!” as they send in air strikes on Libya. How crass and mendacious that makes our government, but what words fit all of us that allow our government to do what they do?, what words fit all of us that believe their lies and support them?

I don’t know words suitable to the job!, but I know that I am disgusted and ashamed that our country is once again forging ahead into a conflict which is none of their/our business (unless it is of course to get rid of the witnesses to Bliar and Browns crimes).

What I wanted you all to realise is that, whatever the rights and wrongs of Libya, you/we are watching what will happen to us if we try to rise up and claim ‘democracy’ for ourselves, that is we are watching our own end as there will be no foreign interest cavalry to ride to our aid, like they are riding to the aid of the Libyan people!

We do not have much if any time left to do the things which need to be done to rein in the sicko’s that control us , our governments etc.

Some no doubt will tell me to go to hell!, my retort is I am already there and watching you suffer as you make the rest of creation suffer! and one day you WILL wake up , your eyes open to the brave new world you have allowed to be made around you, and you will wonder before the fear sets in “how did all this come to pass”.

You will not remember me or my words on that day and I will not reach out to try to comfort you…for you ignored the truth for too long!, You chose your side…

I sincerely hope that the end of the world comes swiftly and surely, taking and destroying every last vestige of mankind from the planet, for this planet does not deserve this “stupidity” to curse its surface ever again!